
John The ripper allows to check if a hash corresponds to a password present in a list.

Save one or more hashes in hash.txt file.

$ echo 'root:$1$1337$WmteYFHyEYyx2MDVXln7Y1' >hash.txt
$ echo 'wordpressuser1:$P$BqV.SQ6OtKhVV7k7h1wqESkMh41buR0' >>hash.txt

Use John the ripper to break the password using its internal password list:

$ john hash.txt

Use John the ripper to break the password using the Rockyou list:

$ john hash.txt --wordlist=/etc/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

John no longer displays passwords he has already broken.
To view these passwords:

$ john hash.txt --show 

There are several versions of John on the Internet. The Kali and Parrot distributions, install the John Community Enhanced -jumbo version. This distribution is available at

$ sudo snap install john-the-ripper
$ john
John the Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1 OMP [linux-gnu 64-bit 64 AVX2 AC]